Wires which conduct electricity are frequently coated in plastic, a practice which provides a number of benefits. While this naturally and beneficially prevents people from unwanted contact with the electrical currents, plastic wire coatings offer additional safety by helping prevent fires.
Of course, no one wants to come into direct contact with the electrical current running through wires in homes, businesses, and elsewhere. One of the primary ways we prevent this from occurring is by coating exposed wires in plastic, usually polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Since plastics are normally very poor conductors of electricity, they create an excellent barrier around the conductive, metal wiring. Beyond protecting people and pets around these wires, plastic coatings also prevent unwanted contact between wires and with other building and household components which could result in dangerous arcing or sparks.
Plastic coatings also serve to protect wiring from environmental contaminants, including moisture, dust, dirt, and other debris. Dust and debris buildup around wires could be the tinder that lets a stray spark grow into a fire, but wire's plastic coating prevents that spark from ever being created. Moisture, too, can present electrical risks which are minimized when wires are plastic coated.
Beyond helping to prevent sparking or arcing and triggering a fire, and limiting a possible spark's access to easily flammable materials, plastic wire coatings can also help to prevent fires by helping to dissipate any heat buildup in wiring. Plastic coatings also help protect wiring from being damaged by abrasions and other hazardous contacts. Wire coatings can also be created with fire retardant properties, further enhancing their protective nature.
At Precision Dip Coating, we know how important safety is, and our coatings can help make electrical products safer.
Contact us today to see how we can partner with you for safety.
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