Let's face it, life can be pretty noisy, and some of that noise can be annoying, like a rattling part in your car, while other noise can be a safety hazard, such as the high volume of a factory floor. From quieting our daily lives to protecting workers, plastisol coatings can work wonders.
Plastisol is a plastic or polymer material usually made of a combination of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and plasticizers, which add elasticity. It is most often applied by dip coating or spray coating in varying thicknesses, and can be produced in a wide variety of colors. Plastisol is durable, moisture- and chemical-resistant, abrasion and impact resistant, and performs well in a wide range of temperatures. Additives can enhance plastisol formulations to meet specific requirements such as fire retardancy, hardness, improved UV-tolerance, and other needs.
Anyone who's spent time with children who enjoy banging pots and pans together or pounding on a xylophone is well aware how loud metal-against-metal sounds can be. Coat those in a soft plastic, and you might let them play longer. Reducing sounds among parts in an assembly, such as inside a car, or within your manufacturing processes can be the key to a safer, more comfortable, and more satisfying product or work environment. Plastisol coating's naturally rubbery consistency, along with its versatility and durability make it a suitable, cost-effective choice to reduce noise wherever needed.
Vibration can be the source of unwanted noises, as well as a cause of worker fatigue and a contributor to equipment wear and tear over time. Plastisol has excellent vibration deadening qualities, offering a low-cost solution to vibration hazards.
At Plastic Dip Coating, our plastic coatings are designed to enhance parts and products and improve the lives of people who manufacture them and use them.
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