Since its development in the 1940s, powder coating has become an industry standard for durable, long-lasting, attractive protection for metal and other surfaces, making them both look better and last longer. With numerous compatible materials and applications, powder coatings offer a variety of advantages over other techniques, including:
Powder coatings can be applied by spraying or fluidized bed techniques, using a wide variety of plastic resins such as polyester, epoxy, polyolefin, nylon, vinyl, and Halar, taking advantage of each material's specific features.
Powder coating is one of the toughest surface treatments available, strongly bonding the coating to the substrate by electrostatic charge. Depending on materials and environment, powder coatings usually last up to 20 years or more.
Beyond offering long-lasting protection, powder coating materials add such benefits as abrasion resistance, chemical resistance, electrical resistance, reduced or increased friction, easy cleaning, impact resistance, or vibration deadening.
Smoother, thicker coatings can be achieved with powder coating than by dipping or other plastic coating processes, and generally with more uniform thickness and appearance.
A downside of working with many plastics is found with the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the accompanying solvents and primers needed to apply them. Because powder coating works with heat and electromagnetic attraction, these toxic substances can be avoided. Powder coating also produces less waste overall as most of the powder is attracted to the substrate, and any overspray waste that does occur can generally be reused and is non-toxic.
Powder coatings can match any color of the rainbow, and can include special effects from matte finishes and wrinkled or sandy textures to translucent, glittery, or veined looks. Many of these special effects could not be achieved with other coating techniques.
Offering a generally shorter curing time than dipping techniques, powder coating can shorten production time.
At Precision Dip Coating, we have decades of experience in powder coating and other plastic coating techniques.
Contact us today to take advantage of our coating expertise and many value-added services.
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