What is Dip Coating?

March 9, 2024

Dip coating is a traditional plastic coating technique where a protective layer of liquid plastic, usually vinyl-based plastisol, is applied to a part or product. With applications across nearly every industry, cost-effective plastisol brings an array of benefits to countless projects.

What Is Dip Coating?

In brief, dip coating involves immersing a preheated part in a liquified plastisol and heat curing it to set the coating. It results in a durable, rubbery, flexible protective layer in varying thicknesses depending on the needs of your project. Further versatility comes with a cold dip process to accommodate parts which won't tolerate preheating but can still withstand heat curing. Additional molding techniques expand plastisol's range.

Why Is Dip Coating So Useful?

Dip coating with plastisol is so versatile, it has applications in every industry. Some of the most valuable advantages of plastisol dip coating include:

  • Insulation — Excellent thermal and electrical protection
  • Look & Feel — Can be color matched, have special visual effects, and a variety of textures and finishes
  • Durability — Long-lasting and wear resistant
  • Chemical & Corrosion Resistance — Resistant to alkalis and acids, and extreme corrosion resistance
  • Abrasion & Impact Resistance — Bounces back from all kinds of use and abuse
  • Noise & Vibration Reduction — Makes impacts quieter and limits vibrations that can cause damage to parts, equipment, and workers
  • Cost-Effective — One of the most budget-friendly coatings available

Plastisol's natural qualities can be enhanced with a variety of additives, such as improved UV tolerance or hardness.

What Industries & Products Benefit from Dip Coating?

Among the most popular applications of dip coating are:

  • Tool handles for improved grip and comfort
  • High voltage tools and other parts for the electrical industry
  • Sporting Goods, including fishing lures, sports equipment, and safety gear
  • Automotive applications such as BSR (Buzz, Squeak, Rattle) reduction and safety and comfort uses
  • Playground equipment where its durability and softness are key
  • Screenprinting ink
  • Personal protective equipment (PPE) for many industries

At Precision Dip Coating, we have decades of experience providing plastisol dip coating and molding and services. Whether your project requires plastisol or another plastic powder coating solution, we can give it the protection, durability, and look you want.
Contact us today to learn more about any of our coating and complementary services.

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